
Louis Uridel, DePaul School of Law, Master’s Degree in Biomechanics

I’ve always received comments on my looks and appearance.Louis Uridel Mayor

And despite and undergraduate from Indiana University, graduating from the DePaul School of Law, obtaining a master’s degree in Biomechanics … the first thing people notice and make derogatory comments on is my dreadlocks.

I hear “Get a haircut”, “I bet that guy stinks”, “I can’t take someone seriously with hair like that.”

Which brings up the issue – this is what one of the biggest problems facing our country right now. Many people judge others by how they look. By their color, sexual orientation or how they look and appear. Individuals have no problem cheering for social justice for people of color, but then turn around in the same breath and condemn someone else for their hair, clothing style or profession. When I ran on the platform to “Be the Change” – we all need to be the change we want to see… Change starts with us.

A long time ago I decided to live my life and be who I am on the inside as well as the outside. Having my heritage from Trinidad I have embraced my island culture and my dreadlocks are a part of who I am.

However, …

A question you might want to ask your self is… what are you going to decide?

Will you decide to pick your representative as mayor by the style of their nickel slick haircut? By how long they have been in political office? Because I ask you – what have they done for you?

Maybe ask yourself why Our homeless crisis isn’t getting any better – yet these politicians all say they will solve it, THIS time. This didn’t just happen overnight… and it hasn’t gotten any better, it’s gotten worse.

Or maybe ask yourself why there are so many business vacancies in Oceanside?

Why small businesses don’t want to move here and open up. Who is going to cut the red tape and help small businesses thrive? Our current politicians and their haircuts you can set a watch to? I mean, because they’ve done a smashing job so far.

Or you can ask yourself how we are even voting on Measure L. How is the development of Oceanside going to go? We are the last beach town that hasn’t been tainted by developers in Southern California. we already have had projects approved that are going to change our coastline forever. How much more of the look and feel of Oceanside will we forfeit.

And remember … it wasn’t some guy with dreadlocks who made all that happen or not happen… it was politicians with fancy haircuts.

So what I’m asking you is to put your stock in the man or woman you are voting for… their character and the foundation they stand on.

I stand with Jesus Christ, I stand as a man of morals and family … I cannot be bought and I’m doing this to make my city better. I will succeed.

Fox News Channel  Bill Hemmer Reports on Metroflex Gym owner Lou Uridel on the decision to defy State’s lockdown order
